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I can tell you a horror stories about point cast as it is currently causing me 
headaches within my company. If Pointcast is improperly configured especially 
with a firewall in place it will fill up the logs with useless messages and do 
so every second. If you have a message every second from a thousand users.... 
you are in big trouble examining your logs.

To:   www-security @ ns2.rutgers.edu @ Internet 
From: chris @ sandpiper.com (Chris Newton) @ Internet
Date: 06/06/96 05:42:55 PM
Subject: PointCast

Appologies if this has been talked about already, but does anyone have any good
pointers to (or information on) PointCast? Any direct experiences, good or bad?

(I'm obviously not asking for the URL http://www.pointcast.com, but rather
to any 3rd party eval/opinions of it)

I hear rumours of scary things about it in a security context, and wondered
if they could be substantiated


chris newton
webmaster/network security
sandpiper software consulting